HRC58: ID with Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism
By Matilde Gamba / GICJ
“We meet at a time of relentless attacks on the international norms and institutions that are central to my mandate to protect human rights while countering terrorism. These include aggressive uses of force and illegal annexations of foreign territory and threats thereof as well as rampant international crimes and complicity in them by those who arm, finance, and politically shield them”, stated Mr. Ben Saul, the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism when he submitted his report to the 58th session of the Human Rights Council on 11th March 2025.
During the interactive dialogue, Mr. Saul, highlighted the crucial role and profound impact of regional organisations in upholding human rights while countering terrorism. He also outlined three key areas of concern.
Mr. Saul encouraged regional organisations to meaningfully engage with civil society organisations involved with counterterrorism to enhance transparency, legitimacy, and the effectiveness of counterterrorism measures, while also fostering public confidence and security cooperation.
The Special Rapporteur urged caution concerning the use of regional sanctions against individual terrorists or terrorist organisations. He stressed that sanctions must adhere to human rights law and best practice international standards on definition due to the significant risks of misuse that could negatively affect human rights defenders, civil society actors, journalists, and political activists. Mr. Saul reiterated the imposition of restrictive measures based on necessity and proportionality, to avoid automatic or indiscriminate application.
The report further urged regional military cooperation in countering terrorism to comply with International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law. The Special Rapporteur highlighted positive practices within the African Union, European Union, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. He stressed adherence to the prohibition on the use of force and the independent investigation of alleged violations to offer adequate reparations. Moreover, Mr. Paul emphasised that missions must address the root causes of conflicts, including human rights abuses and poor governance, while supporting peacebuilding and reconciliation efforts.
The Special Rapporteur presented findings from his country visit to Benin in November 2024, commending the government’s comprehensive counterterrorism strategy while improving development in marginalised border regions, enhancing access to essential services, and welcoming victims of terrorism from the Sahel.
Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ) reiterates the Special Rapporteur’s report on promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism. GICJ commends the Special Rapporteur’s call for regional organisations to engage meaningfully with civil society in counterterrorism efforts. GICJ firmly condemns all acts of terrorism as unjustifiable and calls on regional organisations, national governments, and international organisations to adopt a worldwide rule of law that integrates human rights protection, engages civil society in decision-making, and addresses the root causes of terrorism. In doing so, we ensure that counterterrorism measures contribute to lasting peace, security, and justice.
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