GICJ and BRussells Tribunal coordinated the work of more than 300 NGOs and submitted to the 22nd session of the UN Human Rights Council reports covering the human rights situation in Iraq.

GICJ in collaboration with other NGOs also delivered oral statements on the human rights situation in Iraq which can be watched here.

the 22nd session of the Human Rights Council takes place in the United Nations in Geneva from 25 February to 22 March 2013.

Reports submitted under agenda item 3 (Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development.)

Reports submitted under agenda item 4 (Human rights situation that require the Council's attention.)

التقارير المقدمة خلال الدورة 19 من مجلس حقوق الانسان:

الرابط للترجمة ـ غير الرسمية ـ الى اللغة العربية لتلك التقارير: التقارير المقدمة في الدورة 19 من مجلس حقوق الانسان

الرابط للنصوص الرسمية - باللغة الانكليزية - للتقارير التي قدمت في الدورة 19 من مجلس حقوق الانسان

Participation of GICJ at Human Rights Council Sessions

Human Rights Council - 30th regular session (14 September - 2 October 2015)

Human Rights Council - 29th regular session (15 June - 3 July 2015)

Human Rights Council - 22nd special session on the human rights situation in Iraq in light of abuses committed by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant and associated groups - 1 September 2014:

Human Rights Council - 21st special session on the human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem - 23 July 2014:

Human Rights Council - 26th regular session (10 - 27 June 2014):

Human Rights Council - 25th regular session (3 - 28 March 2014):

Human Rights Council - 24th regular session (9 - 27 September 2013):

Human Rights Council - 23rd regular session (27 May - 14 June 2013):

Human Rights Council - 22nd regular session (25 February - 22 March 2013):

Human Rights Council - 21st regular session (10 - 28 September, 5 November 2012):

Human Rights Council - 19th regular session (27 February - 23 March 2012):

Justice, Human rights, Geneva, geneva4justice, GICJ, Geneva International Centre For Justice 

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