By Kubrat Bidemi Ejibunu / GICJ

In its first-ever resolution on the volatile Southeast Asian Country, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has called on the Myanmar junta to end all forms of violence and release political prisoners. The UN Security Council adopted a resolution on December 21, 2022, condemning the ongoing state of emergency imposed by the military junta and its violations on the people of Myanmar.

With 12 votes in favour, the resolution was approved, except for China and Russia opposing strong sufficient measures in response to the crisis in Myanmar. Both permanent members of the Security Council chose to abstain from the vote, as did India. The adopted resolution urges "concrete and immediate actions" to achieve a peace plan approved by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and calls for "upholding democratic institutions and processes, pursuing constructive dialogue and reconciliation in accordance with the will and interests of the people."

In response to the resolution, Tom Andrews, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, stated that the Myanmar crisis will intensify unless UN member states take action. The Special Rapporteur emphasised that while the resolution is a laudable effort from the UN Security Council since the country's hostile military takeover, it will not prevent illegitimate attacks on the Myanmar people. The Special Rapporteur expressed that there should be a "co-ordinated action" amongst member states to include consequences for failure to comply with the resolution, sanctions, and pursuing international accountability for criminal atrocities. The Special Rapporteur added that political determination and "co-ordinating sanction, cutting off the flow of finances of the military junta, an embargo on weapons and dual-use technologies, and humanitarian aid" are feasible options member states beyond the UN Security Council can implement.

Geneva International Centre for Justice agrees with the statement of the UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Myanmar. The resolution is a positive step to emphasise the need to improve fundamental freedoms, protection, and the rule of law. We strongly encourage member states to take the needed action to refer the case of Myanmar to the International Criminal Court, towards international accountability against the military junta for international crimes. Actions also needed to strengthen the human rights of the Myanmar people and increase humanitarian relief.


Myanmar, Human Rights, Justice, UN, UNSC, Humanitarian aid, Geneve International Centre for Justice, GICJ, Rule of Law

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