By Loïc Dorthe / GICJ

Eleven years have passed since the war in the Syrian Arab Republic began. Eleven years of conflict, violence, and violations of human rights and humanitarian law. The conflict is not new to the Human Rights Council, which adopted resolution A/HRC/51/L.18 on the 7th of October 2022 which was a new attempt to improve respect for human rights in Syria. However, this only reiterates past Council positions calling on Syria to respect its international obligations, without suggesting anything significant on top of that.

Delegations could be identifiable split between three groups. The 25 states who voted in favour were mainly European States. They stressed the importance of continuing to put pressure on the Syrian government to comply with its international obligations. The six states against the resolution, led by Syria itself, Russia, and China, emphasised their wish to respect the country's sovereignty and the principle of non-interference. Finally, a third category such as Brazil, abstained. 

After eleven years of unresolved problems and continuous human rights violations, Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ) is not satisfied with this resolution. After years of unresolved problems, it is clear that the Council lacks the resources and means to improve the situation in Syria, and this new resolution, which merely reiterates what has already been decided and agreed upon previously, will not change one iota of horrors that the Syrian people are suffering. 

The only consolation in this respect is, quoting the British representative: "Syria is not forgotten" by the international community. Meanwhile, the Syrian people will continue to suffer and will certainly feel better knowing that the Human Rights Council has not forgotten them.


HRC51, Human Rights Council, Syria, Syria Suffering, Human Rights, Violations, Geneva, Justice, Geneva4justice, GICJ, Geneva International Centre for Justice

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