Delivered by Farah C. / GICJ

At the general debate on Palestine, Meezaan Center for Human Rights and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ) delivered a joint oral statement denouncing Israel authorities’ complete impunity and disdain of the UN system. 

GICJ recalled how the State simply and continuously disregards UN resolutions and recommendations. However, it pretends to be a peaceful democracy and to hold dear its democratic principles.

How can a State be a democracy and refuse to abide by the basic international standards of human rights? 

Democracy is recognised by the UN “as a form of government [that] is a universal benchmark for human rights protection.” But Israeli so-called democracy doesn’t hesitate to violate elementary human rights. The international community clearly witnessed that for the last 74 years. Israel is a State in which the repression of civil society’s voice is normal, as well as the expulsion of UN experts from its territory. A State who considers children a threat to national security to justify their killings.  

Finally, we condemn the lack of consistency of many States denouncing human rights, especially the double standard applied by the United States of America. The USA is at the forefront of denouncing many violations happening throughout the world but can't act upon those same violations committed at the hands of Israel. 

The principles enshrined in democracy don’t differ depending on the geographic location. Meezaan Center for Human Rights and Geneva Centre for Justice (GICJ) urge the Human Rights Council and every States to finally act on the numerous UN resolutions toward Israel. 

HRC51, Palestine, Human rights violations, apartheid, occupation, United Nations, civil society organizationscivil societyGeneva International Centre for JusticeGeneva4Justice, human rights, geneva, Human Rights Defenders, human rights council 


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