Delivered by Conall Corrigan / GICJ

On Wednesday the 21st of September, Conall Corrigan delivered an oral statement on behalf of The International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD) and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ).

He highlighted the violations of human rights carried out in Myanmar since February 2021 by the military junta regime. He described the horrific crackdown on the Muslim Rohingya people during the previous five years. For the breaches of their fundamental human rights, members of this religious community are still seeking justice and responsibility.

Since 2021, the humanitarian crisis has gotten worse. This is a result of rising prices for basic necessities like food and fuel brought on by the conflict in Ukraine, which has negatively impacted supplies around the world.

Conall reaffirmed on behalf of EAFORD and GICJ that the military junta's actions are in violation of numerous international human rights treaties that Myanmar has ratified. Although some progress has been made, he urged members of the international community to collectively provide aid to the people of Myanmar by providing essential humanitarian aid, ensuring legitimate legal remedies for victims of rights abuses, and prioritising the de-escalation of the conflict.

HRC51Human Rights CouncilItem 3, General DebateMyanmarHumanitarian CrisisHuman Rights ViolationsWorking GroupJusticeHuman RightsGenevaGeneva4justiceGICJGeneva International Centre for Justice

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