By Jamel Nampijja / GICJ

On 6 July 2022, the Independent Expert on technical assistance and capacity-building in the field of human rights in the Central African Republic, Mr Yao Agbetse gave an oral update. 

The report highlighted the developmental progress of the Special Criminal Court in holding perpetrators accountable for crimes against humanity. The report commended the State for adopting the law abolishing the death penalty. Furthermore, Mr Agbetse called on the state to raise awareness about this law countrywide.

Regarding human rights and international humanitarian law violations, Mr Agbetse stated the situation remains of great concern. The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) documented 436 incidents involving 1319 victims of human rights abuses, many of which were of serious nature in the first half of 2022. 

In the context of its international and regional commitments, Mr Arnaud Djoubaye Abazene on behalf of the country concerned emphasised that the State has authorised investigations into human rights violations. These include access to the justice system for its population, and setting up a national action plan to combat trafficking in children which targets the prevention of the recruitment of children in armed conflicts. 

Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ) welcomes the update of the Independent Expert. We urge the African Union, UN, EU, the World Bank, and all relevant partners to increase technical and financial support towards capacity-building for all civilians including youth in the Central African Republic.

Independent Expert, Oral Update, Interactive Dialogue, Central African Republic, Special Criminal Court, MINUSCA, Africa, African Union, Human Rights Council, HRC50, Regular Sessions, Human Rights, Geneva, Geneva International Centre for Justice, Geneva4Justice, GICJ

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