GICJ Oral Statement with International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD) and Geneva International Centre for Justice

By Natalia Venegas / GICJ

On the 4th of July, Natalia Venegas delivered an oral statement during the meeting on Sudan’s adoption of its Universal Periodic Review. Her statement aimed to address the issue of violence against children.

She highlighted that the reality on the ground demonstrates that children continue to face additional human rights challenges including killing, mutilation and sexual violence. Children are also at risk of being subjected to corporal punishment, however any form of punishment, whether corporal or otherwise, should not be used at home or in any other setting in which adults have authority over children. 

EAFORD and Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ) strongly encourage the government of Sudan to protect children against violence, as they are the future of our society. Children are one of the world's most vulnerable groups because they are unable to protect themselves. It is particularly concerning to see children in armed conflict, as everything they experience during their youth shapes them forever, traumatic events such as being recruited or being a victim of violence can have a devastating effect on a child's psychological development and future. We urge the government of Sudan to strengthen national mechanisms to combat violence against children, especially in armed conflicts, and to ensure the safety and well-being of children, as well as hold perpetrators accountable for their crimes. 

 Justice, Sudan, UPR, HRC50, Human Rights, Human Rights Council, Universal Periodic Review, ChildrenRights, Freedoms, Sexual Violence, Corporal Punishment Geneva International Centre for Justice, GICJ, Geneva4Justice

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