GICJ Oral Statement with Meezaan Center for Human Rights
Delivered by: Isabelle Despicht
On the 30th of March 2022, the Human Right Council held an Interactive Dialogue with Fact-Finding Mission Libya. Isabelle Despicht delivered a statement on behalf of the Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ) and Meezan Centre for Human Rights.
She expressed deep concern about children being recruited to actively participate in combat and killed in hostilities. Besides being recruited, children are also held in detention, together with adults, only increasing their risk of being exposed to sexual violence. Ms Despich then reminded that adults are also victims of gender-based violence and other grave human rights violations.
Meezaan and GICJ call on the Council to extend the Mandate of the Fact-Finding Mission, so that investigations into these, and other grave human rights violations can continue. We further call for the creation of an independent international tribunal for international crimes and human rights violations committed in the country.