By Harkiran Sehgal

The killing of Rohingya leader Mohibullah shows the worrying trends of increased violence affecting the Rohingya refugee population in Bangladesh.
Rohingya community leader Mohibullah was gunned down by unknown assailants. He was a prominent leader of the Rohingya refugees living in the camps at Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh. Mohibullah worked for the safe and dignified return of Rohingyas to Myanmar. He was a teacher and an ardent advocate for the welfare of the Rohingya community. The death of Mohibullah is a devastating loss for the Rohingya community, particularly the refugees in Bangladesh.

Burma Human Rights Network issued a statement following the murder. They urge Bangladesh and its partners in the international community to take immediate measures to remedy the escalating violence in the refugee camps in Bangladesh. The Bangladeshi authorities should fully and thoroughly investigate the matter and bring Mohibullah’s killers to justice. BHRN calls the Bangladesh security forces to increase their presence in the camps and ensure the safety and freedoms of refugees.

Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ) concurs with the statement by Burma Human Rights Network. The expense and difficulty of this task should not be carried by Bangladesh alone but the international community should provide all available resources to aid them in their endeavors. Mohibullah’s death undermines not only the struggle of Rohingya refugees for greater rights and protection in the refugee camps but also their efforts to safely return to their homes in Myanmar. GICJ calls for Bangladesh authorities to urgently investigate Mohibullah’s killing along with other attacks on Rohingya activists in the camps and urge a full and transparent investigation into his death with the goal of holding the perpetrators of this heinous crime accountable.

Justice, Human rights, Geneva, geneva4justice, GICJ, Geneva International For Justice

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