Human Rights Council
Interactive dialogue with: The report of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the situation of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
27 September 2017
Mr. President,
International-Lawyers.Org and Geneva International Centre for Justice remain concerned about the deteriorating human rights violations in the Democratic Republic of Congo, particularly with regards to the dire humanitarian situation and thus commends this Interactive Dialogue and the report by the OHCHR.
It is with deep regret that civilians are the main victims of the grave violence and human rights abuses as armed conflicts continues to spread and intensify. The targeting of facilities that are crucial to the well-being of civilians and children such as educational and medical facilities is unacceptable and must be restored in full by perpetrators, including those in high positions of authority. Additionally, reports have surfaced revealing Congolese soldiers shooting aid workers and asylum seekers in South Kivu. Such acts that constitute as war crimes must be investigated by the DRC government with the assistance of the international community and perpetrators must be held accountable.
There is also much concern that adequate aid is not reaching refugee camps and places of refuge. In this regard, additional technical assistance for humanitarian aid is needed to address and guarantee that necessary and vital medical supplies and basic food and water requirements are brought to the victims in need. As well, technical assistance and capacity building is needed for the safe relocation of nearly 3,000 refugees who are also in dire need of security from warring parties.
We also note that public health in Kasai requires enhancement and must be allocated towards hard to reach communities. Lastly, the outbreak of cholera needs to be addressed and tackled and to this end security around medical supplies from violent threats and extreme environmental conditions has to be ensured and regulated.
Thank you.