GICJ Training Workshop on Business and Human Rights – Istanbul, April 2019
Geneva International Centre for Justice conducted a training workshop on Business and Human Rights from 24 to 26 April 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. Human rights have become an important element in the evaluation of business performance on national and international levels. The policies and operations of companies can have a direct impact on the enjoyment of human rights by its own members and employees and by other stakeholders. When such impacts are negative, the company can be subjected to legal actions and bad publicity resulting in severe adverse impacts on its business and profitability.
This workshop was designed for company leadership and managers in charge of human resources. It discussed how international human rights standards are applied and explained the impact of international human rights instruments on the obligation of the companies and enterprises. Participants received training focused on the main subjects relevant to the integration of human rights into the company’s operations.
In addition to an overview of the history and mandate of the United Nations and its human rights mechanisms, the training course provided participants with detailed information on how the human rights records of States are reviewed through the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) and by the Treaty Bodies. As part of this, it showed the responsibility of non-states actors, including companies, to engage with the State and implement human rights standards in their activities. Regarding company operations, the training provided participants with information that included:
- How a company can be involved in adverse human rights impacts
- How company size and structure relate to human rights activities
- The internationally recognised fundamental rights of employees
- International labour standards, such as:
- Workplace and contractual work conditions
- Non-discrimination and equality of treatment
- Medical care and sickness benefits
- Maintenance of social security rights
- Employee promotion and protection against unemployment
- Maternity protection
- Child labour
- End of contract
- Human rights due diligence for companies
After three days, participants completed the training with a robust understanding of the international human rights system, the responsibilities of companies to respect human rights, and the actions company employees can take to help a company fulfil its human rights responsibilities.
GICJ Human Rights Training Workshop – Istanbul, April 2019
Geneva International Centre for Justice conducted a training workshop on international human rights law and mechanisms from 27 to 29 April 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey.
The workshop was designed to train NGO representatives, human rights activists and lawyers on the functioning of the United Nations human rights system. The goal was to strengthen the ability of participants to effectively engage with the relevant UN bodies and promote human rights understanding and advocacy.
During the workshop, the participants received an overview of the history and mandate of the UN system, including a focus on the UN human rights mechanism. Special attention was paid to the mandate and activities of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), and its important role in the protection of human rights around the globe. Different presentations also provided extensive information about the UN Human Rights Council, Special Procedures, Treaty Bodies, and the Universal Periodic Review.
After three days, participants left with an understanding of the international human rights system, the human rights responsibilities of States, businesses, and organizations, and the actions individuals and NGOs can take to promote respect for human rights.
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