النص بالعربية: هنا

Dear friends,

As the year comes to an end, we would like to thank you for the attention you give to Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ). Despite the difficult circumstances of this past year, we continued to fight for equality.

As a non-profit organization, GICJ depends entirely on your donations. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic we didn’t receive any donation in the past two years, hence creating a considerable rental debt that must be paid. This came at a time in which human rights advocacy is even of greater importance to build back better. Therefore, we kindly ask you to consider donating to Geneva International Centre for Justice so we can keep defending human rights everywhere.

Despite the past year was hard, GICJ has continued to exposing injustice and human rights violations in different places such as Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Myanmar, Sudan, Yemen, Iran, Greece, UK, USA, Denmark, Mexico, Spain Ethiopia, Libya, among other countries. At the UN and other Forums, we loudly denounced inequality, discrimination, torture, enforced disappearances and other serious crimes and much more. Additionally, issues with global effect such as migration flows, climate change disasters, racism and racial discrimination, and slavery has been tackled.

Dear friends, as a civil society organization, GICJ main goal is to amplify the voices of the unheard, to provide a bridge between disempowered civilians and international decision-making. Our work starts from the experience of victims and seeks to achieve justice and establish truth at the international level in Geneva and elsewhere.

With your funding, we will continue to sustain the renting cost of our office in Geneva. This will allow us to continue our communication with volunteers on the ground to monitor human rights violations worldwide, gather critical data and submit independent reports to international bodies, including international courts. Your donations allow us to maintain our independence, which is essential to ensure fair and free reporting.

We hope that in 2022, we will be able to organise meetings on human rights violations and hold in-person training sessions.

Please don’t hesitate to contribute with any amount that is comfortable for you. You can donate conveniently through PayPal or by bank transfer using the information shown below.

By Bank transfer:

Geneva International Centre for Justice

Bank details: PostFinance
                         Nordring 8
                         3030 Bern, Switzerland

Account n°: 12-188643-0
IBAN: CH02 0900 0000 1218 8643 0

N° clearing / Swift Code: POFICHBEXXX


Using Paypal:

If you encounter any problems with the above information or if you would like to make a donation in a different manner, please contact us at info@gicj.org.

On the same time, we wish you and loved ones safe, healthy, and peaceful New Year.


 The GICJ team.


Your contribution is important to the promotion and protection of human rights.

Thank you!


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GICJ Newsletter